My name is Nathaniel. I am 37 years of age. I am the father of two, though arguments do arise.
I am the brother of two sisters. A middle child ( it has been said 'we' have alot of issues). I come from a two parent home. I am also a high school grad. Some have commented I should have desired to do
more. At present I am self-employed in a business with my father. Some are betting on how long it will last.
I will devulge more as time goes on, as i don't want to bore anyone.
I am starting this blog in faith that there are minds and souls out there with understandings outside and above the mainstream.
I am new to joeuser, and I have been browsing quite exstensively. I happened upon an article called 'What is faith..."
It has truly been along time since I have pondered any Question. It was an invitation to soulsearch imediately upon finishing. And what came about was sort of rebirth if you will. I went thruogh a door I had closed long ago. I must say it is refreshing. To the author I say THANK YOU for sharing and I THANK GOD
for your willingness to SHARE.
I have not thought 'poetic' in many years.
Okay, any poems, thought provoking messages, testimonies, hellos or welcomes??? :> )
I am putting my pencil to paper and leaving my soul to GOD
I will return with some poems, I will interested in your thoughts on them .
Faith has keys, it will unlock doors